Monday, November 21, 2011

Total Meltdown

Text conversation while at said party with wife...pretty much sums up the night.
So I got fucked up this past weekend. Like seriously, 3 sheets to the wind, not quite blacked out, but close enough, fucked up. I drank too much, smoked too much, and passed out before 2am. I try my damnedest not to do that. I mean, I'm almost 35, I'm way too old to burn the candle at both ends, but whatever. Sometimes you have to blow off some steam.It was an 80's themed birthday party for some lesbian friends ours, and honestly, they are fun fucking people! I don't mean cause they're gay or whatever, I mean, for a bunch of 40 year olds, well they still go off, and have some fun! At some point I remember telling some girl she looked like Lois from family guy, (this was totally meant as a compliment, though I'm not sure she took it that way) and there was this young couple there fighting that I'm pretty sure I told to just break the fuck up already. Life's too fucking short to be 19 and having fights with your girlfriend. The dude seemed over this girl anyway, and it just seems like such a waste. I've been that dude, fighting with a girl, when I'm 19, over fucking nothing. Cause you know what? In like a year or so it's not going to make any difference since chances are you're going to be broken up, and again, life's too short for that shit. 
I think I slurred something like,"dude, most girls at that age are just going to make you miserable anyway, why wait around until it get's worse? Just break up already!!"
                            It's getting to that point in the late fall, early winter, here in my area of Missouri where it rains, or it's cold. Not much more skating to get in. Supposed to be nice on Thanksgiving day, hopefully between stuffing my self and working, (In the radio business there are no holidays off!) I can get out and skate a little. Really over the cold, shitty weather. It didn't bother me so much as a kid, but my old rotten bones really can't take anything under 40 degrees anymore. When I was younger we had an indoor skatepark, and then when it closed my friend Mike and I had these two little quarter pipes in his garage that we'd skate in the winter. I miss that shit, I need a garage, or basement, or something to at least roll around a little when there's snow and ice covering everything and it's freezing cold out!
This picture looks like how winter feels, cold, white, and dead. Notice that round hump thing in the background? If you don't know that's what we call a chat dump. Basically it's what's left over after they mine lead out from underground. Which is why you don't want to drink the water, eat the fish, or consume anything grown from the ground in this place.
I leave you with this. Maybe you've seen it, maybe not.If you haven't, well, the title kind of refers to you....

ANTI HERO FUCKTARDS from Tobin Yelland on Vimeo.

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