Saturday, November 5, 2011


           You know that guy, yeah, the one that does all the cheesy movie voice-overs? They usually start, "In a world..." I wish I was that guy. I bet he makes a ton of money with that voice. My voice isn't great, but it's not bad. Thus the gig on the radio. I used to work at this call center, I got told quite often that I had a nice voice and that I should do voice over work. I even got a job offer once, until I told the lady that I was in Missouri. She was all, "uhh, Missouri? Why the fuck would you want to live there?" I honestly still don't have a good answer for that question. I mean, it's beautiful and all that. I'm only an hour away from St. Louis, which isn't my favorite city or anything, but it's got some pretty cool shit to do. I'm also within 30 minutes of tons of clean streams, hiking trails, National Forests, lakes, the Mississippi river, and it's cheap as fuck to live here. On the other hand the cultural events are lacking. We've got Country Days, (which is every bit as retarded as it sounds.) meth labs, rednecks, big trucks, republicans out the yin-yang, Christians, cowboys, fake cowboys, racists, and other assorted white trash. I know, lots of places have all those things, but in the town I grew up in this one asshole cop had a fucking confederate flag license plate on his truck. I know, maybe that's pretty commonplace in small town America, but this guy was a real prick, to the extant that he is no longer a cop due to harassing so many people. That's a whole other story. 
             Not much going on tonight. Sat at home, watched Scarface(wife had never seen it! How fucked is that? Sometimes I can't believe I married this broad...) and ate some sherbert. Like a normal old man. Every day I'm creeping closer to my 35th birthday. When I was 18 or so I had all these goals that I wanted to accomplish by the time I was 35. I've accomplished one. I guess that's better than none, but really, 1 out of 20 sucks pretty bad. That's a F if it was a test. I think even in one of those liberal pass/fail schools it'd be a fail. I've come to terms with that shit, at some point I just stopped caring, or having any sort of ambition at all, if I ever really had any to begin with. That's all I got, well that, and these shitty photos. They look terrible, but it was from a late night out in St. Louis not long ago. I kind of like the way they look.Plus a few of some spots I've been hiking in the last few weeks.

When I said late night, I fucking meant it, this was after being out at a bar in St. Louis until 1an, then to a 3am bar, then to East St. Louis until 6am, then to this dinner to eat. It was about 6:30am when I took these.

See, there's some pretty cool shit here if you don't mind hiking like 12 miles. Plus this stuffs only an hour away from St. Louis. Shit, it almost makes it ok to have to put up with all the other bullshit.

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