Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Not much to say today. Got up, had a pot of coffee, went outside where it's cold as shit and windy. Cutting through hoody windy. No skate today, basically sat here looking at skate shit all day, waiting to go into the studio tonight to try and finish up some drums and guitar for my band's EP. Hopefully get all my guitar work done tonight!! Then gotta strain my shitty voice and attempt to sing. Joy, Joy. Cleaned my house, did some dishes, and listened to Pinkerton, we're planning on using it as a reference for the drums on the EP. The drums sound badass on that album. Everything sounds badass on that album though, haven't listened to it in years, was singing "Pink Triangle" when my wife came in at the top of my lungs washing dishes. She scared the shit out of me. Did see this today, which is cool. Drehobl is the man, fun to watch skate, and keeps the hope alive that my old ass can skate decently, on occasion, and in my head have that much style on tranny. I've been wanting to build a mini-ramp in the backyard for years now, and we finally have a privacy fence up. So for Christmas, and my birthday, (which is four days after Christmas, which means no one ever remembers your birthday, and that no one wants to go out cause they're all waiting to go out on New Years!!!) I'm asking for gift cards to Lowes. I used to just steal wood to build ramps, but now that I'm older and can actually go to jail for that shit, well I guess I'll go about it all legal and whatnot, and just purchase the wood. I'm thinking 4' with a 5' extension and 16' wide to start. We had a ramp behind my friend Mike's dad's t-shirt shop when I was 18. Thing was so much fun. It had those same dimensions. All built with stolen wood. It was right across from a police station too, I always wondered what the cops were thinking when we pulled up at 2am and started chucking 2x4's over the fence behind the store. There were a couple outside while we were unloading. They just stood there watching. Good times.

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