Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Thank the skate gods, the weathers holding out, it was just about perfect skating today. I however was sucking ass, couldn't even get a decent kickflip today, balance felt all off. Oh well, had fun, basically did manuals in a parking lot for an hour. Just glad the winter isn't hitting yet, the weather in Missouri can be strange. We're far enough north that you can have a foot of snow, yet far enough south where it can be 70 degrees in January. The ice storms suck worse than anything though. Or thunder-snow, that's always fun too. Anyway, it's time for some dinner, and I've got some cheap wine chilling in the fridge. Just wanted to throw this up, been digging on this for quite some time. One thing I miss about being in a bigger city is the flatness, and skating through downtown. Traffic skateboards, (who I've totally been sleeping on until I saw their thing on the berrics, and yes, I occasionally check out the berrics, suck it!) are keeping it in the streets. Fucking Ricky Oyola is the man. This is what street skating is to me, skating through the fucking gnarly ass streets of some city, trying not to get clipped by a car, dodging crack heads, and making spots out of every crack, pothole, manhole cover, and curb cut. 
I know everyone thinks the berrics sucks, but their trajectory is usually pretty cool. This makes me want to go throw my body in front of traffic! Definitely want to support these guys, east coast style for miles, and one of the OG love parkers. 
I like vox's by the way, I know people hate on them, and I skate vans too, but vox makes a damn comfy shoe.

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