Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

So it's the day after Halloween, didn't do much last night. Went to my parent's house, had a nice dinner, and hung out with them and my sister, bro-in-law, and nephew. It's all good. Need a good night out though, and now I'm off work for a few days, will be out skating later, most likely by myself, and that's ok too. I like skating by my lonesome. It's not like I'm out killing it or anything. It's just good fun, probably go to my manual pad spot. No one is ever there, it's a closed down business, and I like it that way. It's so fall out, the weather is great, except for the wind. But that's ok too. Here's some fall type artsy photos from around my house. It's all I got today.

The iphone 4s freaking rules too. If anyone didn't know that already. Can't believe this is my first iphone. I think my life is forever changed.

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