I try not to post on here unless I feel like it, cause I'm pretty sure my post would be worse than they normally are. Plus I've been busy squeezing every last session in before the fucking winter gets here. Well, that, and watching it rain, the wind blow ridiculously hard, and working on my gear for an 80's themed birthday party that's going to be coming up this weekend. It's going to be dagger time for me. I know that this has been a costume for 8 million other dudes before me, but I've never actually done it, so I don't really fucking care. Besides I've had a blast hooking up my jean jacket with a dagger and flair, finding an old pair of levis, and god knows I've got plenty of old school vans to rock. Should be fun. I'm trying to get the wife to go as velvet, but we'll see how that goes. I told her I could always just call up Sherilyn Fenn as I'm sure she's not too busy, and goddamn was she fucking hot in that movie. When I saw Thrashin I was maybe 11 or so, and had just started skating. This was my ideal girlfriend at the time.
Honestly, not much has changed. I'm into the dark haired ladies, and for some reason, I prefer the dirty looking ones. The ones who's eyes just kind of say, "I want cock!" My wife says I have some weird white trash fetish, honestly I don't know how weird it is considering I grew up in the sticks of the midwest. Plus I always kind of had this theory that white trash chicks are usually way more loyal than other broads, plus they'll have your back in a fight.
Here's my cut off jean jacket so far. It's got some rad flair on the front, including a maltese cross, a home made DK patch, and some other assorted pins and what not. I'll take plenty of photos at the party. but here's a preview of the Dagger.

The DFL, if you don't know, is "Daggers for Life" fool. I still have to score a dangly sword earring somewhere before Saturday, but it's coming together well. I don't wear earrings anymore, I haven't in years, but my holes are still open, as I sometimes put my wife's more silly earrings in for a laugh, normally after drinking heavily. I would have thought they would have closed up by now, but nope. Both lobes are still open, and it's been at least 8 years since I've had anything in them. I will admit, while I didn't have plugs or anything in them, there was a period of my life where I did piercing at a friends tattoo shop and had some rather large gauged hoops in them. I hated piercing though. It was all tongues and belly buttons all fucking day. And they both suck to do, and if you're thinking "yeah but what about all the girls nips you got to pierce, or sweet VJ's?" Well let me tell you, most of the nipples I did were dudes, and the chicks that came in to get those other areas done were not the kind of girls you would be hoping for. Trust me, maybe in some college town or near some strip clubs you might get to push surgical steel through some hottie's pussy, but around here it was usually skanky ass jugalo type bitches that hadn't showered in days and weighed...well, I don't want to make fun of people's weight, but lets just say they were less than desirable.
On the skate front, I did see this up today. No matter what, and never mind the fact that I will never, have never, and could never come close to skating like this man, there are few others who make me want to break myself off by watching them skate like he does. ALL HAIL CARDIEL!
On a side note, when I woke up this morning, after working on my Dagger costume until 4am, I found this note stuck to the back of my jean jacket.(Colors?)
My wife is a funny broad.