Tuesday, October 16, 2012


            Yeah, it's been a while.  Things have been crazy here in twisted knife world. The bands played out several times a week in the last couple of months. Getting CDs, t-shirts, stickers and all the rest of the merch made has been a pain in the ass. I've also had a bunch of other bull shit to deal with. Water pipe break at my house that had me digging a hole, plugging leak, only to have it break again, and again. Third times a charm I'm hoping. Haven't been skating in I don't know how long. Getting old sucks kids. You have to do things you don't want to, or feel like doing pretty much all the time. 
            To top all that off I've had a killer tooth ache all week and no money to get it fixed. I did learn a pretty good lesson however. Weed totally dulls the pain from said tooth ache, but then I get the munchies and want to chow down on Doritos or whatever and I can't. It's torture I tell you. 


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