Thursday, October 20, 2011

The sticks

I had to work on Labor day, irony of ironies, so my friend Josh and I went skating the day after. I have a great skatepark in my town, it's concrete even, however it is situated right next to the police station and they have cameras pointed at it, so when you want some fun like enjoying an adult beverage while you skate, it's not the best place. There aren't any other skateparks around in a 50 mile radius, so we usually road trip around to all the small, (like populations between 500-2500) towns around and find new spots. When you live in the country, there's alot of cool shit to do, between skate spots. We were on a little mission to find new spots in some of the smaller towns around when we stopped here.

It's the sticks, sometimes, you gotta skate what you find.

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