Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 Coming on like a....Snowstorm

So I've neglected my poor little blog here. Fuck man, I've got lots of shit going on all the time. There's more to life then updating little blogs about nothing, that nearly no one reads. I basically started this to bitch and moan about getting old, skateboarding, playing in my band and just life in general. 

So 2013 is over, gone, good-fucking-bye. One thing, my birthday is at the end of December and for the last year my wife kept saying I was 37. She makes me older than I am a lot. Why? Because she's nearly four years older than me and it makes her feel better about her own decrepit state. So for the past year I've been 36. I would have sworn to you I was turning 38 this last birthday, but no, it's a lie!! I'm only 37! I feel like I've gained a year of my life I thought I'd lost, I've got to keep better track of this shit. 

Last year was pretty fun and the holiday's and New Year have been pretty awesome. Minus all the snow and 20 below zero temperatures that have taken place in the last month. Here's a few photo's from the last month or so. Take care in 2014, I'll see ya around.
My Backyard has looked like this most of the winter...

And my front yard like this...

And The smoking section of my work
My Father in law and cousins

A picture of My Great-great-great grandparents my sister found researching the family

My 4x Great grandpappy

And finally got a Welcome board that I've been unable to skate other than in my car port since every concrete surface in a 300 mile range around me is covered in snow and ice. Thanks Polar Vortex!!!