Thursday, April 18, 2013

Help build a skatepark!!!

So it's been a while. I always tell myself I'm going to post on here at least once a Month. Then I miss all of March. Oh well shit happens.

But here's something important. If you've ever skated Kingshighway in St. Louis, well next year it's going bye-bye, The bridge is old as fuck and falling apart. They plan to blast it and replace it next year. Because of this the guys behind the KHVT are working with the city to build another public park. There are absolutely no public parks in the city of St. Louis. Not one. Please if you can spare a dollar, or 10 or 20 or what have you, go donate to their kickstarter. They need to raise 15,000 to reach their goal. Be a part of something that will make a difference. just click here to donate. KHVT kickstarter

Also on the Missouri front, the guys at Infinity have been getting some great attention for their video St. Losers. I didn't make it to the premiere in December due to my lack of a vehicle at that time, but I just got the Video the other day and it's pretty damn great. The extras and all the St. Louis crackheads are pure entertainment and worth the 10 bucks, and that's on top of some great skating. Just click here to order. Buy here