Monday, October 21, 2013
So, with knowing I was going to cut what was first planned as a long vacation down to just a few days around Denver to see the Replacements at Riotfest I was a little bummed. I haven't had a long vacation in years, but we're in the middle of remodeling our house and doing some other things that caused us to make this decision.
One thing I had to do was stay at the Stanley Hotel. I'm a huge Stephen King fan, and this is where he got the inspiration for The Shining!
So after staying the night here, with nothing creepy happening to me, the wife woke up at 3am freaking out, but I was in a nice alcohol induced coma, it was time for riotfest.
The Replacements were fucking phenomenal. Flag was awesome, Superchunk, AFI, Against ME, everyone was good. It sucked that Flag got rained out halfway through their set, and it sucked even more that I left due to the storm, then halfway across Kansas found out they let people back in for Rancid. But I didn't give a fuck about seeing Blink 182 and had a long drive ahead of me. I love Colorado and will be going back when I can just explore and not have to sit in a dusty field for two days to hear some music.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Finally, after waiting all summer and working for the last three years without a break I'm taking one this weekend.
I'll be attending Riotfest near Denver, Not only will I get to see Rancid, Against Me and Naked Raygun, but I also get to fucking see the mother-fucking Replacements!! So excited I think I pooped myself.
I'm a little concerned over the flooding and shit in Colorado right now, hopefully that doesn't hamper my trip, but I'll post pics and updates when it's over. Plus I may make a few other stops while I'm away. I've been burned out on work and everything else, really need to get away for a bit.
Stay tuned.....
I'll be attending Riotfest near Denver, Not only will I get to see Rancid, Against Me and Naked Raygun, but I also get to fucking see the mother-fucking Replacements!! So excited I think I pooped myself.
I'm a little concerned over the flooding and shit in Colorado right now, hopefully that doesn't hamper my trip, but I'll post pics and updates when it's over. Plus I may make a few other stops while I'm away. I've been burned out on work and everything else, really need to get away for a bit.
Stay tuned.....
Thursday, July 18, 2013
My dad, he always promoted hard work as a way to get what you want in life. growing up, I never had a new skateboard, bike, 20 bucks, what have you without working for it. That might have meant mowing the lawn, picking up tree limbs, or doing something simple, but he always instilled in me a work ethic.
He also said something to me once that I've been thinking about a lot lately. He said it's not the work we do that's valuable and it's not our output that's worth something. It's our time. We get paid for our time, it's something valuable, that runs out on all of us at some point. I don't get paid nearly enough for my time. I've figured that out at this point. My time should be worth more than a figure that's barely above the poverty line.
I don't mind doing somethings for free, things that take up time like skateboarding, playing guitar, enjoying a swim...(hey it's summer).
But I really don't think I get half of what I'm fucking worth at my job. But what to do in this economy? Jobs are hard to come by and for the area I live in I get paid relatively well. At least enough to pay the bills and have a little, (very little really) left over.
If you think about your measly wages when compared to some asshole that play baseball, or trades stocks all day, it's fucking sad really. Then I think about all those skaters out there that aren't making what they should be. I realize with some of the big shoe companies paying the bills, and energy drink sponsorships, lots of guys are doing really fucking well. But then I think about guys that probably don't make much more than I do for putting their bodies on the line day after day, especially as some of these dudes get older and pushed out of skating by the young guns.
That's why I was stoked as fuck on two things recently. One, this Marc Johnson interview with Jenkem. click here fucktard
It's so cool to see someone of Marc's caliber say, you know what? I'm happy where I'm at, I appreciate what I've been given and I make enough. Insight isn't something that can be bought, and apparently, neither can Marc.
The other thing ... Fucking Dan Drehobl. I didn't real grow up skating much tranny. We had some shitty mini-ramps around for a bit, and quarter pipes, but I never got very good at it. In my head, this guy is how I always imagined myself skating it. Peep this shit Cancer Dan and enjoy. Power, speed, lines, dude has it all. And I have a feeling he doesn't get paid shit compared to your Nyjah's and P-rods and what nots... Fuck those guys, here's real skating. And go buy some freedumb stuff while you're at it...
He also said something to me once that I've been thinking about a lot lately. He said it's not the work we do that's valuable and it's not our output that's worth something. It's our time. We get paid for our time, it's something valuable, that runs out on all of us at some point. I don't get paid nearly enough for my time. I've figured that out at this point. My time should be worth more than a figure that's barely above the poverty line.
I don't mind doing somethings for free, things that take up time like skateboarding, playing guitar, enjoying a swim...(hey it's summer).
But I really don't think I get half of what I'm fucking worth at my job. But what to do in this economy? Jobs are hard to come by and for the area I live in I get paid relatively well. At least enough to pay the bills and have a little, (very little really) left over.
If you think about your measly wages when compared to some asshole that play baseball, or trades stocks all day, it's fucking sad really. Then I think about all those skaters out there that aren't making what they should be. I realize with some of the big shoe companies paying the bills, and energy drink sponsorships, lots of guys are doing really fucking well. But then I think about guys that probably don't make much more than I do for putting their bodies on the line day after day, especially as some of these dudes get older and pushed out of skating by the young guns.
That's why I was stoked as fuck on two things recently. One, this Marc Johnson interview with Jenkem. click here fucktard
It's so cool to see someone of Marc's caliber say, you know what? I'm happy where I'm at, I appreciate what I've been given and I make enough. Insight isn't something that can be bought, and apparently, neither can Marc.
The other thing ... Fucking Dan Drehobl. I didn't real grow up skating much tranny. We had some shitty mini-ramps around for a bit, and quarter pipes, but I never got very good at it. In my head, this guy is how I always imagined myself skating it. Peep this shit Cancer Dan and enjoy. Power, speed, lines, dude has it all. And I have a feeling he doesn't get paid shit compared to your Nyjah's and P-rods and what nots... Fuck those guys, here's real skating. And go buy some freedumb stuff while you're at it...
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Forever 90's
It's weird the amount of stuff I've been doing lately that takes me back to that time when I was a young teen. Not only did I go see the Dead Milkmen this week, I've got a Black Flag show coming up later this month. I never got to see Black Flag in their first incarnation, and since Henry isn't singing, well...It's really more about seeing one of my first guitar heroes in action. Ginn is like my 13 year old inner punks idea of Jimmy Hendrix.
I keep promising myself I'll stay young and get out and skate more this summer. So far that's been difficult. I go at least 2-3 times a week, but with work, family, band duties and so forth the time I get to spend on board is getting shorter and shorter. But that's ok I guess. I certainly appreciate it more.
Alex reminded me the other day when I was telling him about going to see the Dead Milkmen that the last time he listened to them were at our friend Mike's. He lived up the street and was basically my best skate friend from 12 years old until I split and he split town around 18 or so. We built these two shitty quarterpipes in his garage to skate during the cold or rainy Missouri days. We had this Jambox out there where we played music constantly. Mike and I were on the same page music wise, and time's back then weren't so close minded. We'd listen to DRI, then Dead Milkmen, DK, then something weird like 10,000 maniacs. Yeah, I walked the thinnest line.
I keep promising myself I'll stay young and get out and skate more this summer. So far that's been difficult. I go at least 2-3 times a week, but with work, family, band duties and so forth the time I get to spend on board is getting shorter and shorter. But that's ok I guess. I certainly appreciate it more.
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Dead Milkmen in St. Louis June 2013 |
Alex reminded me the other day when I was telling him about going to see the Dead Milkmen that the last time he listened to them were at our friend Mike's. He lived up the street and was basically my best skate friend from 12 years old until I split and he split town around 18 or so. We built these two shitty quarterpipes in his garage to skate during the cold or rainy Missouri days. We had this Jambox out there where we played music constantly. Mike and I were on the same page music wise, and time's back then weren't so close minded. We'd listen to DRI, then Dead Milkmen, DK, then something weird like 10,000 maniacs. Yeah, I walked the thinnest line.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Help build a skatepark!!!
So it's been a while. I always tell myself I'm going to post on here at least once a Month. Then I miss all of March. Oh well shit happens.
But here's something important. If you've ever skated Kingshighway in St. Louis, well next year it's going bye-bye, The bridge is old as fuck and falling apart. They plan to blast it and replace it next year. Because of this the guys behind the KHVT are working with the city to build another public park. There are absolutely no public parks in the city of St. Louis. Not one. Please if you can spare a dollar, or 10 or 20 or what have you, go donate to their kickstarter. They need to raise 15,000 to reach their goal. Be a part of something that will make a difference. just click here to donate. KHVT kickstarter
Also on the Missouri front, the guys at Infinity have been getting some great attention for their video St. Losers. I didn't make it to the premiere in December due to my lack of a vehicle at that time, but I just got the Video the other day and it's pretty damn great. The extras and all the St. Louis crackheads are pure entertainment and worth the 10 bucks, and that's on top of some great skating. Just click here to order. Buy here
But here's something important. If you've ever skated Kingshighway in St. Louis, well next year it's going bye-bye, The bridge is old as fuck and falling apart. They plan to blast it and replace it next year. Because of this the guys behind the KHVT are working with the city to build another public park. There are absolutely no public parks in the city of St. Louis. Not one. Please if you can spare a dollar, or 10 or 20 or what have you, go donate to their kickstarter. They need to raise 15,000 to reach their goal. Be a part of something that will make a difference. just click here to donate. KHVT kickstarter
Also on the Missouri front, the guys at Infinity have been getting some great attention for their video St. Losers. I didn't make it to the premiere in December due to my lack of a vehicle at that time, but I just got the Video the other day and it's pretty damn great. The extras and all the St. Louis crackheads are pure entertainment and worth the 10 bucks, and that's on top of some great skating. Just click here to order. Buy here
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
So I rolled my ankle last week. I've now officially broken my right ankle twice, it'll never be the same again. I'm ok with that. What really sucks is it takes twice as long to heal from injuries these days as opposed to when I was 16. That's the worst thing about getting older. When I was 16-25, if I'd rolled my ankle like this I'd have been out of commission for a few days. Now, I know it'll be at least a solid 10 days before I feel like I can really skate again. I should always wear an ankle brace everytime I go out, even though it's uncomfortable and feels like crap. At least I only rolled it, I don't know how it would feel if I full on broke it again.
Saw this, thought it was funny.
Saw this, thought it was funny.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Hellbent and Hellbound
I don't know where to even start with this. I don't necessary want to sit and write about people, or make this some sentimental blog about life, love, or the problems of the world. With the exception of writing about the fucked up shit that goes on in my little asshole of the world, I try to stay positive about things.
That said, I had a very good friend of mine stop by the house yesterday. He's been a friend since I was 12 years old and we skated together into our 20's. He moved away, but we've always stayed in contact. He's a stand up guy who's always had my back, the type of guy who would put himself at risk to save a complete stranger. The problem, the guys had a serious drug problem since high school.
I've had my own periods of drug use, but for what ever reason I've never gotten addicted. I've always been a "weekends only" drug user. I want to add here that I don't consider weed a drug. I know there's people who'd disagree with me, and I honestly smoke weed about 5 times a year anymore, but lets be real here people. That shit ain't any worse than alcohol.
So I've tried it all, I still enjoy an adult beverage from time to time, but I stay away from most drugs these days besides advil and the occasional puff-puff pass.
My friend however has a problem with the needle. He was actually the first person I ever saw shoot up. We were with a group of friends when I was around 18 or so. We were doing normal 18 year old shit, drinking, smoking weed, talking shit and skating. However several of these guys got into slamming shit into their veins. I know I'm not the only one who's had this experience. I know no one probably cares. I know that for whatever reason, skateboarding, punk rock and all the other trappings of that lifestyle tend to attract the self-destructive people of the world. But I'm going to say here I hope my friend gets the help he needs. He stopped by to do some laundry before he checked himself into a sober living house. It was the least I could do for the guy. Even though he's been a junkie he's the most stand up junkie I've ever known. He's never stolen a thing from me, he's never asked for anything and I could tell he was ashamed.
I don't have kids, I haven't been blessed with children for whatever reason. My wife and I however are always there for our friends and because we're stable, and have jobs, a home, and the rest I feel like we are a rock that's there when those we love need us. That makes me happy some how. I've lost too many friends that I loved dearly, I don't want to loose anymore.
I hope my friend gets help, I hope my friend gets clean. If he doesn't, or needs help I'll be there for him, but I really hope he does. Out of the three people I saw shoot up for the first time, he's the only one still alive.
That said, I had a very good friend of mine stop by the house yesterday. He's been a friend since I was 12 years old and we skated together into our 20's. He moved away, but we've always stayed in contact. He's a stand up guy who's always had my back, the type of guy who would put himself at risk to save a complete stranger. The problem, the guys had a serious drug problem since high school.
I've had my own periods of drug use, but for what ever reason I've never gotten addicted. I've always been a "weekends only" drug user. I want to add here that I don't consider weed a drug. I know there's people who'd disagree with me, and I honestly smoke weed about 5 times a year anymore, but lets be real here people. That shit ain't any worse than alcohol.
So I've tried it all, I still enjoy an adult beverage from time to time, but I stay away from most drugs these days besides advil and the occasional puff-puff pass.
My friend however has a problem with the needle. He was actually the first person I ever saw shoot up. We were with a group of friends when I was around 18 or so. We were doing normal 18 year old shit, drinking, smoking weed, talking shit and skating. However several of these guys got into slamming shit into their veins. I know I'm not the only one who's had this experience. I know no one probably cares. I know that for whatever reason, skateboarding, punk rock and all the other trappings of that lifestyle tend to attract the self-destructive people of the world. But I'm going to say here I hope my friend gets the help he needs. He stopped by to do some laundry before he checked himself into a sober living house. It was the least I could do for the guy. Even though he's been a junkie he's the most stand up junkie I've ever known. He's never stolen a thing from me, he's never asked for anything and I could tell he was ashamed.
I don't have kids, I haven't been blessed with children for whatever reason. My wife and I however are always there for our friends and because we're stable, and have jobs, a home, and the rest I feel like we are a rock that's there when those we love need us. That makes me happy some how. I've lost too many friends that I loved dearly, I don't want to loose anymore.
I hope my friend gets help, I hope my friend gets clean. If he doesn't, or needs help I'll be there for him, but I really hope he does. Out of the three people I saw shoot up for the first time, he's the only one still alive.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
See ya 2012,
I've been looking at all the year end shit on the other blogs I read. Everyone's list kind of covers all the cool videos, not so cool videos, and everything else that happened in skateboarding for the last year. So I won't do that shit.
I do want to go on record as saying Longboarders suck cock. Like massive amounts of it. That's the gayest shit ever. I do however have to admit that all the vintage reissues are kind of cool.
So I'm most likely going to break down and buy something with big soft wheels to take to the coffee place, gas station, pizza spot, etc for fun. The choices are damn limitless, and the 12 year old who started skating in 1988 is excited about rocking some of the boards I never had when I was a wee tyke.
The only thing I gotta say is I'm bummed that not all the companies are doing this. I guess you'd probably have to pay some of those old guys for selling the fuck out of their boards suddenly. So with that in mind if I have 1 request for 2013 it's that ALVA start making some of the classics for reissue. Cause I always wanted this board and never got one.
There's some cool shit from Santa Cruz too, like this Jason Jesse fucking rules! But hey guys how about making some more Corey O'Brien decks? That graphic is badass, and you reissued it but it's no longer out? WTF Santa Cruz.
But I have to say the one deck I want to see reissued, the one board I love so much I've got the graphic tattooed on my fucking arm, by one of the raddest mofos' to ever step on a board, please for fucks sake somebody reissue this so I can buy it. I'll spend my hard earned money on this deck!! I'd also like to see it reissued in it's original shape. none of this mini-deck shit.
I've been looking at all the year end shit on the other blogs I read. Everyone's list kind of covers all the cool videos, not so cool videos, and everything else that happened in skateboarding for the last year. So I won't do that shit.
I do want to go on record as saying Longboarders suck cock. Like massive amounts of it. That's the gayest shit ever. I do however have to admit that all the vintage reissues are kind of cool.
So I'm most likely going to break down and buy something with big soft wheels to take to the coffee place, gas station, pizza spot, etc for fun. The choices are damn limitless, and the 12 year old who started skating in 1988 is excited about rocking some of the boards I never had when I was a wee tyke.
The only thing I gotta say is I'm bummed that not all the companies are doing this. I guess you'd probably have to pay some of those old guys for selling the fuck out of their boards suddenly. So with that in mind if I have 1 request for 2013 it's that ALVA start making some of the classics for reissue. Cause I always wanted this board and never got one.
There's some cool shit from Santa Cruz too, like this Jason Jesse fucking rules! But hey guys how about making some more Corey O'Brien decks? That graphic is badass, and you reissued it but it's no longer out? WTF Santa Cruz.
But I have to say the one deck I want to see reissued, the one board I love so much I've got the graphic tattooed on my fucking arm, by one of the raddest mofos' to ever step on a board, please for fucks sake somebody reissue this so I can buy it. I'll spend my hard earned money on this deck!! I'd also like to see it reissued in it's original shape. none of this mini-deck shit.
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See, permanent and shit... |
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