Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Forrest fires breaking out around us, temperatures above 100 for 10 days straight, the fourth of July came and went and I've been lazy as shit. 

I'm old, (35) so it's not like you can blame me for not skating in this fucking weather. I could have a heat stroke, or something. I skated a little one night, when the temps plunged to 92 degrees. I pretty much thought I was going to have a heart attack. Ok, not a heart attack, but it sucked, and I was a fucking sweat bag in like 10 minutes.

So what can you do if you're in this general vicinity and experiencing the hottest weather on record in the last 80 years. Smoke a bunch of herb and go here http://www.wiskate.com/ 
Seriously, these guys fucking rule.