I am well aware that sounds corny as fuck, but in all seriousness, it's been fucking awesome. I think it's funny as fuck that people don't realize that yes, I'm 35, and yes I still skateboard. Am I hucking myself down 15 stair hand rails? Fuck no, it's not like I'm responsible enough to have health insurance. But I have a house, a car, and pay my bills thank you very fucking much.
But that doesn't mean I won't grind the fuck out of a ledge for an hour straight, or work on kickflipping a stick for an hour. It's all skating. My friend Josh got broke off one day on this flat bar, just slipped out, thought he might of broken his arm. We were at the hospital, and the nurse asked him why he was skating at his age? If he didn't get paid for it and wasn't a professional. That's what people never understand, it's the pure fun and love of it. I told him he should of asked her why she was just a nurse and not a Doctor?
Skateboarding is no different than some 50 year old playing tennis, well except for the whole bodily harm and danger and adrenaline thing, but that's the point isn't it? Maybe I'm sick, but it feels good to wake up a little sore from eating shit, it feels even better to pull a trick that you've been working on. Yeah it takes a few more days to heal up, and yeah, those 15 stairs turned into 5 stairs, but it's still the most fun thing in the world. I had a friend say skateboarding is the best invention ever, next to the guitar. I agree whole heartily, and most of the time I'm not sure the guitar wins out.
This is me, back the last time I remember being this happy, and with as good an outlook on life. Really I just wish I still had all the flyers on that wall from the shows I'd been to.
And here's a tidbit of us pushing buttons in the studio, my other love in life. Plus I just like how excited Ryan is about dropping the guitars out....