Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nothing much

Haven't really had much to say lately. No computer for some time now. Did manage to get a shitty old desktop, which at least for now allows me to look at all the shit I've been missing out on for the last month. On a side note, does anyone, and I mean anyone really understand women? At all? I turned 35 this year, and I was really starting to think I was getting the hang of everything. Apparently not the case. It's like some ancient riddle or rubicks cube or something along those lines. The midwest still sucks, in case you were wondering, which I'm sure you are not. Winter has been mild, but it's finally turned good and cold, which I secretly hope stays that way, at least for a bit. If only so when I go out in the woods this spring I'm not covered in ticks, bugs, and other assorted infestations of itchy, scratchy, biting insects. 
Been thinking about using this as the album cover for my bands EP. I think I took this back around 1998 or so, really nice slice of life where I live...

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I was really hoping these planes were going to make a pentagram, instead I'm sure they were spraying us with chemicals of some sort that do something evil that all those conspiracy theorists out there would know more about than I do.
What has life, and fifty years in this town done for you, Except to earn your name and place on a barstool?